Thanks for choosing us for your wedding day transportation!
Drawing Entry Requirements
1. Like us on Facebook
2. Write a Positive Review - Find us on in Tulsa or in your local city
3. Submit Photos - Email us professional photos of your wedding featuring the car as well as the photographer's contact information so we can give them credit and point people to their website
2. Write a Positive Review - Find us on in Tulsa or in your local city
3. Submit Photos - Email us professional photos of your wedding featuring the car as well as the photographer's contact information so we can give them credit and point people to their website
*The drawing will take place on January 31st, 2014 and will be for all weddings in 2013. We wanted to give you an extra month to get photos before the drawing. We are wanting professional photos taken by your wedding photographer for our website, online advertising and other print material. We will not sell your photos to any other vendors or advertisers and will use them solely for Vintage Wedding Rides. Our car owners really enjoy being a part of your wedding and love their precious cars so we would like to be able to give them copies of photos of their car during your event as well. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us!
A special thanks to the talented Ely Fair Photography for providing photos!
A special thanks to the talented Ely Fair Photography for providing photos!